Aspiration One

Prosperous Africa based on inclusive growth and sustainable development.

We are determined to eradicate poverty in one generation and build shared prosperity through social and economic transformation of the continent.


  1. A high standard of living, quality of life well-being for all.
  • Ending poverty inequalities of income and opportunities: Job creation especially on addressing youth unemployment facing up to the challenges of rapid population growth and Urbanization.
  • Improvement of habitants access to basic necessities of life like water, sanitation, electricity, providing social security and protection.
  1. Well educated citizens and skills revolutions underpinned by science, technology and innovation
  • Developing Africa’s human and social capital through an Education and skills renovation emphassing science and technology.
  1. Healthy and well-nourished citizens
  • Expanding access to quality health care services, particularly for women and girls.
  1. Transforming economies and jobs.
  • Transforming Africa’s economies through beneficiation from Africa’s natural resources, manufacturing, Industrialization and value addition as well as raising productivity and competitiveness.
  1. Modern Agriculture for increased production and productivity
  • Radically transforming African agriculture to enable the continent to feed itself and be a major player as a net food exporter.
  1. Blue/Ocean Economy for accelerated economic growth.
  • Exploiting the vast potential of Africa’s blue ocean economy.
  1. Environmentally sustainable climate and resilient economies & communities.

Pulling in place measures to sustain ably manage the continent’s rich biodiversity ,forests Land & waters and using mainly adaptive measures to address climate change risks.